Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes, Meeting July 2, 2014 5:00 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


I.                 Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:25 p.m. Members present: Elizabeth, Larry H., Briana, Betty, Scott, Larry G., Serena, Lewis, Tania, Treasurer Marjie, and Secretary Lisa. 


II.               Approve Minutes of June 4, 2014 – MSC Watkins/Larry G. to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2014 meeting.


III.              Reports:

A. Treasurer: (Marjie) – Purchased snow cone machine and supplies.  

B. Events: Rotary Luncheon – Went very well, Rotary was very pleased.


IV.             Action Items:

A. Muster Details/Prep. (Tina) – Tina reminded members to wear their Support Services Shirts to all events – Lisa will order shirts for the members who do not have one.  Serena stated that a member of the public was concerned about the drought conditions and the muster event – discussion on events that do not take up so much water.  Betty talked about the horse and buggy in the parade – Tania will make a sign for support services to put on the buggy.


V.               Nominations for Officers:  Vote at August Meeting

A. President – Lewis nominated Tina Scott

B. Vice-President – Tina nominated Lewis Curran

C. Secretary – Serena nominated Lisa Guglielmina

D. Treasurer – Tina nominated Marjie Watkins

MSC Larry G. /Larry H. to approve the nominations. 


VI.             Unit Reports:

A.  Logistics: (Tania) – Lisa handed out a few copies of the phone tree; short discussion.  Tania mentioned some supplies still needed for back-up in case of a fire.  Elizabeth to provide the totes, Lisa to provide the Tupperware for food.

B.  EMS Support: (Serena) – No Report

C.  Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) – No Report.

D.  Technology: (Lisa) – No Report.   

E.   Public Events/Education: (Lisa) – Serena invited the Support Services to join her team for Relay for life.  She would like to use the snow cone machine for the team.

F.  Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) – Discussion on the new banner received from the seminar Lona and Tina went to.  Tina will look into getting a Support Services banner.


VII.            Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting:  Next meeting will have a pool party right after the meeting.  Next meeting topics: Pancake Breakfast for car show, snow cone sales at car show, Relay for life participation.   


VIII.          Adjourn:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.