Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Minutes, Meeting July 2, 2014 5:00 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:25 p.m. Members present: Elizabeth, Larry H., Briana, Betty, Scott, Larry G., Serena, Lewis, Tania, Treasurer Marjie, and Secretary Lisa.
II. Approve Minutes of June 4, 2014 MSC Watkins/Larry G. to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2014 meeting.
III. Reports:
A. Treasurer: (Marjie) Purchased snow cone machine and supplies.
B. Events: Rotary Luncheon Went very well, Rotary was very pleased.
IV. Action Items:
A. Muster Details/Prep. (Tina) Tina reminded members to wear their Support Services Shirts to all events Lisa will order shirts for the members who do not have one. Serena stated that a member of the public was concerned about the drought conditions and the muster event discussion on events that do not take up so much water. Betty talked about the horse and buggy in the parade Tania will make a sign for support services to put on the buggy.
V. Nominations for Officers: Vote at August Meeting
A. President Lewis nominated Tina Scott
B. Vice-President Tina nominated Lewis Curran
C. Secretary Serena nominated Lisa Guglielmina
D. Treasurer Tina nominated Marjie Watkins
MSC Larry G. /Larry H. to approve the nominations.
VI. Unit Reports:
A. Logistics: (Tania) Lisa handed out a few copies of the phone tree; short discussion. Tania mentioned some supplies still needed for back-up in case of a fire. Elizabeth to provide the totes, Lisa to provide the Tupperware for food.
B. EMS Support: (Serena) No Report
C. Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) No Report.
D. Technology: (Lisa) No Report.
E. Public Events/Education: (Lisa) Serena invited the Support Services to join her team for Relay for life. She would like to use the snow cone machine for the team.
F. Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) Discussion on the new banner received from the seminar Lona and Tina went to. Tina will look into getting a Support Services banner.
VII. Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: Next meeting will have a pool party right after the meeting. Next meeting topics: Pancake Breakfast for car show, snow cone sales at car show, Relay for life participation.
VIII. Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.